Feel Good Story
We donate $1 from every kilo roasted to SunnyKids. They are an absolutely amazing organisation who provide support for children and families that are at risk on the Sunshine Coast. The work that the team at SunnyKids do, especially in relation to domestic violence, is incredibly difficult, and the results they achieve are life changing.
Our beautiful blend of coffee Hero, has grown to become one of the Sunshine Coasts most popular coffee blends, and its popularity has given us the opportunity to provide significant financial support to charities, community groups and sports teams here on the Sunshine Coast.

Hero showcases exclusive coffees from Brazil, Nicaragua and Peru that are direct trade, 100% traceable and sustainably grown. Roasted by our close friend James Pedrazzini and his Sunshine Coast based roasting team, the quality and consistency of Hero is amazing.
Supporting our local community is one of the great pleasures of owning a local business. We are extremely grateful for the of huge amount support that we have received and love being able to give back to our local community through the success of our Hero Blend Coffee.
Special Relationships
The journey of our Hero Coffee Blend continues with our latest partnership with the very special organisation, SunnyKids. We donate $1 from every kilogram of Hero Blend coffee we roast, with these funds provide ongoing essential support to at risk children and families across the Sunshine Coast.

Thank you to all of the wonderful people who drink our Hero Blend Coffee for helping to create this Feel Good Coffee experience - John & Maree