Hero, our signature blend
Behind every name is a great story and Hero doesn’t disappoint. In keeping with our community values, Hero is named in tribute to the person who connected us with the charity organisation SunnyKids. In fact, this extraordinary person continues to be our biggest inspiration with his selfless dedication to our community.
As a coffee blend, Hero guarantees to satisfy all coffee lovers. The unique blend combines hints of honey pecans, bakers chocolate and vanilla.
Ethically sourced coffee driven by relationships
Our signature Hero Blend showcases coffees sourced directly from farms in Nicaragua, Colombia and Brazil. Hero is a 100% traceable, direct trade and ethically sourced coffee, driven by relationships and sustainability.
Our producers
Colombia / Juan Tama
Grown by the Indigenous Producers of Juan Tama, Cauca, 25km west of the Nevado de Huila Volcano on the Cauca/Huila border. The coffee is grown at high altitude (1700 – 1900 masl) and is wash processed.
Brazil / Xavantes Lake
Sourced directly from the farms, Fazenda Sao Francisco in Sorocabana Region, and Sitio Teixeira in Norte Pioneiro Region, this coffee is sun dry processed and provides the body of our Hero Blend.
Nicaragua / Dipilto
70% of our Dipilto Blend comes from two farms - Los Cipreses & El Amparo. The remaining 30% is sourced from a Co-Op of Farms by the team at Project Origin. Dipilto is set high in the mountains amongst some of Nicaragua’s highest peaks.